Olajumoke F. Okunade

Olajumoke is a professional content writer and a ghostwriter. With almost four years of experience writing content that converts, Olajumoke delivers content that keep your audience hooked on your website. She is also well versed with Local and On-Page SEO. 

She is also well-versed in topics like Blockchain, Web3 and E-commerce. She has written research pieces on these subjects thay prove her proficiency. She is also currently a travel writer for a travel blog.  

In the past, clients have praised Olajumoke for her keen attention to detail, creativity and delivery. 

What is Blockchain and How Does it Work?

The problems that arise with the internet that we have today include the storage of data centrally. Data from the users of the internet are stored centrally on a stand-alone computer. Such data can be sent and retrieved by a client to create personalized, sometimes intrusive ads to users. Centralized data structures raise issues of privacy, security, and control. Blockchain, its structures, and network have provided solutions to these problems. How? You may ask. Follow me.

Cold Email Marketing Campaign for eCommerce: The Perfect Guide for You

While it may not be the most popular method, a cold email marketing campaign can be an effective strategy for generating promising leads for your eCommerce business. The trick is knowing the right approach, processes, and tools, and employing them in your campaign.

The primary advantage of cold emails is that it puts you directly in front of your target audience and potential customers. So, if you play your cards right and employ proven tips for cold email marketing, you can improve your open rates, convert some of those recipients to subscribers and eventually get them to become customers.

What is Blockchain Engineering?

Blockchain engineering involves the operations, designing, development, analysing, implementation and supporting a distributed blockchain network. Blockchain engineering is expert knowledge that is behind the development of computer networking, cryptography, data structures, and algorithms in Blockchain engineering and development companies such as Coinbase and other top companies.

A career in blockchain engineering requires experience in blockchain technology - Ethereum and Bitcoin. For giving solutions to technology or data consulting organisations, blockchain engineering typically requires strong abilities in creating and executing digital blockchain. Blockchain engineering is not just restricted to development. In reality, it assesses the needs of businesses and develops new or improved existing open source solutions.

Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

Blockchain, the technology behind the current wave of decentralised revolution in technology, has certain founding blocks (pun intended) that are yet uncharted and mostly unknown. One of such is how network participants can agree, make and implement decisions on the blockchain.

Blockchain networks are propelled by coordinated incentive structures. A community of users, node owners, developers, and miners that all play roles in a mutually beneficial network ecosystem is necessary for a well-func

Efficiency of Online Streaming in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 hit, and the Corona Virus hit too. Every country, every industry and every person in the world felt the blow of the effect of this unexpected pandemic. Churches were closed, large gatherings were prohibited, parties became illegal, every one was confined to the four walls of their homes.

At this trying time, people needed to live their lives and live ‘normally’. Churches needed to hold services, large families needed to gather and give themselves the necessary emotional support. Music lo

The Dangers of Media Practitioners Devoid of Social Media Presence

In recent years, with the expansion of technology and the discovery of the television and the radio; a career in the media house, broadcasting, and communications industry has begun to look very promising.

Media practitioners have proven to be a force to reckon with over time.

Unarguably, television and radio broadcasters are luminaries in a class of their own. One way to be the best in media practice is to be able reach out to the world at large.

What better way to reach out to the world tha